Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dinner at the Beach

Roger and I have just come back from the most delightful time at the beach with sister Irene. It has been so hot in Perth we decided it would be a good idea to go down the beach after work and have dinner. We called in to our Fish and Chip shop - closed on Tuesdays! So we bought Chinese and set up camp on the lawn at City Beach. Irene and I had our bathers on, but the wind had whipped up so we decided a swim was not a good idea (we will go tomorrow morning at 7am instead!). The photo above of Irene and Roger was not taken tonight but a couple of months ago when we had the same idea for tea at the beach with the family. It gives you the general idea of the fun we have.

We were intrigued to see all the activity that goes on at the beach. Here were 2 beach volley ball nets set up and training going on. It was fun to watch. Isn't this beach just so special. This is Cottesloe Beach, probably our favourite, but not as close to our home as City Beach which can be reached 15 minutes by car. I absolutely love the beach.

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

We're still in the land of the living ! !

At last we have the internet connected at our new home and we are feeling a lot more civilized! How very frustrating it has been for us not being able to access the internet easily, especially after our amazing connection in Germany. Very spoilt we were. Even now we keep losing the connection. Unbelievable in this day and age!

Thank you for your patience as you have checked to see if I have updated! It's a wonder you haven't all given up, but I know you haven't as I have now checked my Cluster Map!!

We moved into our lovely 2 bedroom home on 5 November after having to move for 2 nights and stay with my sister Irene as Brenda's house was full for the weekend (great nephews baptism). This was rather traumatic for me I must say. Our house settled and actually became ours on 12 November on which day we took off to Hyden (4hrs drive East) to my sister Cherith's farm for the weekend. How wonderful that was for us both and we didn't really want to come home so soon.

Our home is in a very convenient location. We are 5km's from the city of Perth, 5 minutes from my sister Irene's home, 6 minutes from Church, 6 minutes from work, 300 metres from the train station and most importantly 15 minutes from the beach (the lovely Indian Ocean). I am starting to lose count of how many swims I have had, but I know Roger has only had one!! The last couple of Friday nights we have gone down after work and had Fish and Chips overlooking the ocean. How special is that? (especially when we hear Schopfheim and Basel has had snow and it is rather chilly)!!!

Things are coming into place for us, though we still have a bit of organizing to do. We are badly lacking in cupboard space so have stopped unpacking until we update the kitchen, which probably won't happen until February. But basically we are enjoying being in our own home and are very comfortable and happy. We have a cute little courtyard out the back and even have some lawn, which we feel is a luxury. I am now the proud owner of a lime tree and whilst pruning it yesterday I discovered 3 limes on it! The thorns are a bit much though. Why do lime trees have such nasty thorns? I don't know how I am going to be able to pick the fruit.

Well, this is just a brief update to get me started and I promise there will be more in the next couple of days.

We have had 2 days of 34C and it is going to be the same for the next couple of days. Not very nice really. We have had quite a few days over 35C. It's a bit early to be getting such temperatures, but we can usually sleep at night and that is the main thing.