Friday, May 30, 2008


A few weeks ago Roger and I went to the rental garden plot (very popular here in Germany and Switzerland and can be rented for around 150 francs/year) of Claudia and Jose Lois in Switzerland. We had a BBQ and very relaxing afternoon on a balmy Swiss day. Since then Claudia and I have met in the garden for Deutsch learning. I'll post some more pictures of the garden if I remember to take my camera tomorrow (though it could be raining so we might just go to the apartment - which will be very boring!!).

A lady of leisure - well, at least for Sunday afternoon!!

A gentleman of leisure on the same day!!!!!!!

Yep, it's really a garden with a view!

Fancy taking a photo of an empty plate!!

Ah, that's better - F O O D ! ! ! Claudia and Jose Lois really cooked up a storm!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Our coffee machine

We received a phone call several weeks ago from our friend Fritz in Basel asking us if we wanted a coffee machine. Of course Roger said yes. He loves his coffee!! Fritz said he and Ilona would deliver it one Sunday afternoon, so about 3 weeks ago they arrived with this machine. We had no idea it would be so big, and a Siemens to boot!! I felt a bit selfish that we would keep such a beautiful machine all to ourselves and jokingly suggested to Roger that we should give it away!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Trip to Aeschaffenburg

Roger and I had a lovely visit to our friends Carole, Joachim, Jani and Jenny in Aeschaffenburg last weekend. We have not been there since March 2006 when we visited on our way down here to Basel. The weather was wonderful and we made the most of being outside. Lots of games to play, fun to have, food to eat and yes, ice cream sundae's!!

Jani and his girlfriend at the pool. Our Sunday lunch! Cute, aren't they?!!

Joachim about to peek at the chickens! My cherry sundae in the foreground and Jenny enjoying her apple sundae.

First love, young love! So cute. Joachim - too close!!

Jani and Jenny. They are such lovely young people and we thoroughly enjoyed seeing them again.

Movie Night - The Godfather

Here's Janet. She organized 'The Godfather' Movie Night at Centrepoint, complete with Spaghetti Napoli, red wine and other delectable nibbles. Good one Janet.

Our friends Val and Anna (from Queensland) enjoying the evening.

Roger and I had never seen The Godfather movie. After seeing it, I sort of know why, but it was fun to get together with 23 other people and enjoy a movie together and a good feast. We hope to be able to watch the next movie sometime in June!!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

No time for blogging ! ! !

The last few weeks we have had a wonderful time with friends we love to meet for meals, coffee, chats, walks, etc. We even went to the movies for the first time since we've been here in Basel. Now that the weather is getting warmer it is great to be able to get out and about and we are all making the most of it.

We've had a few adventures with the trains. Just caught the last train from Basel one Saturday night. I was dressed up to the nines with the stileto's on, etc and couldn't keep up with Roger who bounded up the stairs. Fortunately he kept the train doors open for me until I got there. Too close.....Too scary indeed. We don't fancy spending the night at the Bahnhof when we have a nice bed to sleep in. I've had a couple of weeks of just missing the train and if it's after 8pm at night, that means an hour wait. But, unlike in Australia, I am never worried about being on my own or what might happen to me. Funny isn't it, especially as I am in a foreign country. Walking around at night as a woman on your own just doesn't seem to be a problem here. Just as well, as quite often Roger and I are going our separate ways to catch up with different people and we eventually meet at home.

We've had some wonderful hikes these past couple of weeks. I didn't blog about the walk we led in our area. There were 20 of us on the walk, which was 2.5 hours. Up hill and down dale! Roger and I served a choice of 2 soups and crusty bread after the walk - Zucchini and Chicken and Leek. It started to rain towards the end of the walk, which was a great shame. On a fine day we would have seen the Alps from the Ridge we were on. Anyway, a great time was had by all. Our next walk that we lead will be on Roger's Birthday on 19 May. We are doing a Mystery Walk (decided to call it this as we haven't done it before leading it!!). Should be fun actually and I think we're all quite looking forward to it.

Have had fun in the garden over the last 5 days. We have decorated our front steps and bought 2 standard fuschia's to go either side. Will take a photo to show you sometime. I've had fun with the Hydrangeas, pruning them and cutting out all the dead wood, so now I am waiting patiently for them to green up! Yesterday I went back to Toom (like Bunnings) and bought another pot and a blue hydrangea for the top of our steps. I took the shopping trolley with me and I couldn't believe how polite the drivers were to me on the way home. It brought a smile to my face and a warm fuzzy to my heart! I love 'em!

Twilight Saturday we sat outside near our front steps sipping beer, wine and eating cheese. Herr Bergmann from across the road suddenly appeared with a camera and took many photo's of us. He said we looked very romantic!! We wanted to make the most of the sun before it disappeared for the day.

Will post about Sunday and put up some photo's soon. Am off to have my hair cut now.

C O N T E N T E D ! ! !








Today my heart is shining
......there is no need for pinning
I am blessed to be alive and well
And all that I hold dear is swell