Thursday, July 31, 2014

My Grandchildren are growing up quickly

Chloe turned 2 at the end of May.  She is an absolute delight to be with and has a lovely personality.  I took her to the city on the tram several weeks ago.  She took a liking to one of the 'models' in a Department Store.

Edward and Nathan turned 3 on 1 July.  We go on lots of adventures together and have so much fun.  I joined Friends of the Zoo last year and we have been many times.   A couple of weeks ago we went to the Zoo and I decided not to take the pram.  It was fantastic.  They could run free and delight in everything they came across.  We seemed to do so much more, but that could also be because they know the Zoo so well now and are particular about what they want to see and do.  I love it.

Olivia will turn 5 months old on 4 August.  She is so alert and happy.  Glenda has started her on solids. She sleeps well and smiles all the time when she is awake and is contented.  I might have been a little worried about the boys overshadowing her, but not so!!

This picture was taken on Mother's Day early May 2014.

We are looking forward to seeing what colour hair she will have.  We're hoping for Auburn!!!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Thanking friends for the prod to keep going !!

I have been reminded that I am not blogging!!!  I'm actually finding it difficult to sit at the computer and blog happily.  Most of my lovely friends would know how much I have enjoyed blogging in the past, particularly when Roger & I were living in Germany.  That all seems very much in the dim distance now.  I am going to try my hardest to continue with my blogging, but I need your encouragement, so please leave comments which will inspire me!!

How quickly this year seems to be going.  Sometimes I can't keep up with myself.  July already & we are in the heart of winter.  Brrrrr!!  But my little home is warm and snug so I have no complaints.  If I feel really cold, I just need to go for a brisk walk!

Olivia is nearly 5 months old.  She is absolutely adorable, and I promise I am not biased!  She has a personality as large as life!  She is a happy, smiling little baby and talks a lot, and we get the gist of what she's saying!!  It's all very funny.

I've felt very lonely this year.  I always seem to be longing for the next guests to arrive to stay with me, but they're few and far between.  I have asked Jocelyn (my beautiful daughter) to come and live with me.  She has been here for 3 weeks now and I'm much happier not being on my own anymore.  I look forward to her getting home in the evening and not having the long evening stretching ahead of me on my own.  I definitely know I am not meant to live on my own.  My personality doesn't allow it!!

Another thing that is bothering me is finding a Church Family in which to belong.  It's just not happening for me so I am not going regularly to Church.  I just don't know how to move forward in this area of my life.  Any suggestions out there for me to take on board?

I joined University of the Third Age in May after a visit from dear Swiss friends from Basel.  Christine reminded me how hard I had worked at trying to learn German and she encouraged me to go back and keep up with it.  I have been going to classes at U3A on a Friday morning for 1 1/2 hrs.  It's very good for my brain and the other people in the class are great (usually about 7 of us).  I'm not sure if I am going to move forward with German, but hopefully it will always be in my brain!!

The other thing I have done is joined the Badminton group, also on a Friday.  My son in law Tom bought me a new racket, so I am learning to smash that shuttle cock!!  It's lots of fun and I enjoy being with like minded people wanting good exercise.  I am very thankful for my good health and fitness.

So, this is a start to my come back.  If I write much more, you might lose interest, so I will save other news for the next time and will post some nice photos as well.