Sunday, December 05, 2010

Our weekend in Hyden

We had only been in our little home for a week when we drove to Hyden, 4 hours from Perth to spend the weekend on Cherith and Ken's farm. Cherith is my second sister. We had a wonderful time together. It was so peaceful and relaxing, though we were certainly introduced to the Perth flies whilst there. But they didn't worry us when we were inside the house.

On the Friday night we went into town to take part in a Hymn Fest. This is an annual event to celebrate the lives of 4 wonderful people who were great contributors to the community of Hyden. We had a great time singing and mixing it with the locals. And there's nothing quite like a country supper. Oh my goodness. Yum! Yum!

Whilst singing my little heart out I decided I would try and get my 4 lovely sisters together at this time each year to join in the fun. Jillian, Cherith, Irene and Brenda! We all used to sing together when we were teenagers. Jillian played the piano and Irene the guitar. If we got together for long enough we could even put on an item! You'll have to keep tuned in to see what actually happens next November!!!!!!!!!

Saturday night we had Cherith's amazing roast. My 2 nephews and partners were there as well. Then Sunday morning they arrived again to join in Uncle Ken's famous breakfast. Oh my goodness. What a cook up.

Ken in action. Just putting in the mushrooms.
He certainly had it all under control.

Country bacon. What more could you wish for! What an absolute treat.

Cherith's happy smiling face. She just had to do what
she was told and to hurry up about it!

After our very full breakfast we were treated to a ride into town in Ken's old Humber! Wow! What a beauty. Look at that chrome. We hardly know what chrome is these days. We were given a right royal tour of the town, finishing off with a Drumstick each. No, the dog (Sammy) wasn't allowed to come. Spot the legs!!

The country town of Hyden is famous for WAVE ROCK and that get hundreds of tourists a year coming to see the rock. Once you've seen it, you wouldn't come all this way to see it again. But we would certainly come again to visit my darling sister Cherith and my gorgeous brother in law Ken. What wonderful country hospitality we received. We didn't want to drive back to Perth Sunday afternoon, but the city beckoned unfortunately!

Thursday, December 02, 2010

19 Cayley Street

Gaynor and Mary 2 days after we moved into our little home.

Roger and Gaynor at the front door

Here's our little letter box. The poor front garden is some how surviving without being watered. I want to change it completely so I'm not doing anything in it. But I have to wait until end of February when the sun is not quite as hot!

Mary and Gaynor at the kitchen table with the famous
coffee machine in the background. We are hoping
to remodel the kitchen early in the New Year.

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