Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Settling in nicely

I moved into my unit on Thursday 4 April with work still being carried out!  I am now happily settled & very cosy.  I am enjoying living here very much with friendly neighbours, lovely birds around, kookaburra's singing some morning, hot air balloons floating by in the distance & peace & quiet.  I feel very blessed to have this new little home.  Here are a few photo's to give you a little picture of how things have gone.

The old kitchen

The new kitchen

The old bath

The new bathroom

Looking down the hall towards the 2 bedrooms

I still need to do a little painting of window frames & doors, but all in good time.  I am going to do it myself.  Glenda is going to teach me!!  Ah, the things one must to learn later in life!  I am very happy with everything at the moment.

I need to put pictures on the walls.  I have put 4 pictures in for new frames & will get them back next week.  Then I need to recruit someone special to place them strategically on the walls!!!

Irene came to stay with me 1 1/2 weeks after I moved in - 15 April.  It was such a delight to have her here in Melbourne with me.  She was wanting to help me get things done, so she was cracking the whip a bit, especially in the garden.  But her legacy lives on!

Jocelyn was with me for 11 days soon after Irene left.  She was struggling a bit & needed some Mummy time & a comfortable & warm place to live.  We managed quite well.

Winter is coming & I am very thankful for gas central heating.  Yes, I know people in Europe would be laughing, but I was determined I wasn't going to live in Melbourne without heating in the unit.  It was the first thing I did on purchasing the unit.

I am enjoying getting to know my neighbours.  They are very friendly & happy.  Then I met a lovely English lady from down the road today.  She was walking her little dog (reminded me of Pepper) & we had a nice chat & exchanged details.  She is 73 & moved to Melbourne from London 2 1/2 years ago.  I shouldn't be feeling sorry for myself about moving here when she has come halfway around the world.  

May is a tough month with our Wedding Anniversary on 15 May & Roger would have turned 60 on 19 May.  With the family around me I was able to get through these difficult anniversaries.  I do miss Roger very much.  I would love to be living here with him.  He would love this unit so much.