Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Did I really have a 24 hour visit from my cousin Liz a few weeks back? I keep asking myself this question, as I am sure it was a figment of my imagination. But no, there are photo's to prove she was actually here in our little home in Schopfheim.

Liz had a whirlwind tour of various places in the world (as crazy Aussies do in the European winter). I was lucky enough to be on one of her destinations this time, even if it was only overnight. It was absolutely wonderful to see Liz and we talked and talked and talked. It was a bit sad saying goodbye actually. Liz lives just outside of Canberra, NSW in a gorgeous home she has been renovating for as long as she's been there! I think she's almost finished. My darling cousin.

All kitted up and ready to head out the door.

Rather Liz carry the luggage on her back than me!

Off to the train station with my darling as an escort! Rog was meeting a friend in
Basel and bringing him back to Schopfheim! Never a dull moment around here!


Pamela said...

that is a HUGE backpack.

(my word verification is "dingles" -- I don't know why that tickled my fancy)

Gaynor said...

Pam, it tickled your fancy because you have a great sense of humour!! Keep it up my dear friend. My word verification is "travitt" (which reminds me I should be travelling to a warmer place at this time as I am sick of the snow!!).

Joce said...

How special to spend even the briefest time with Cousin Liz! I must tell her of my whirlwind visit to Canberra... its all shaping up to be a nice one.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are having visitors. Just hope you have an early spring however as snow could be a bit much after a while.
