I said I would let you see my lovely miniature daffodil open up and bloom. I have loved this process and it is giving me great delight. I'm not the best photographer, but I'm sure you will enjoy these pictures anyway. Most of the blooms are double (amazing) and I have one that is a triple. I tried to capture it but didn't succeed and I haven't Roger here to help me and tell me how silly I am that I don't even know how to use a digital camera. I have so much to learn that I have happily left to Roger. Sometimes it quite overwhelms me.

We had our first Skype conversation ever with Tim, Jocelyn and Glenda all together. What a good idea this was, and will be, in the future. A good start to our week Monday morning.We have had the most beautiful weather this week and have been for a couple of lovely walks. Sunny days mean happy people and I have enjoyed being out and about doing little jobs around Schopfheim and being welcomed most enthusiastically in conversation.I called in to see Stefanie who I bought my new MBT shoes from. They have been giving me blisters so I needed to find out what I was doing wrong. She was wonderful and helped me to solve the problem (I hope). I also bought a backpack (rather bright green) which was on special. I need one when I go hiking and also I was thinking of our cycling tour coming up in May when I would need to carry water, etc (stay tuned for that one, more details to come). I have discovered these very comfortable crochet hooks, so I went back to the wool store in Schopfheim to buy another one. I am currently working on a little project for Jocelyn for winter and I am getting much enjoyment from this. Quite a challenge, but nothing I can't manage when I put my mind to it.I had my hair cut this morning and had a delightful talk with my hairdresser Antje, who I am going to miss very, very much when we return to Australia. I gave her a hug whether she liked it or not!! On the way home I saw Stefanie having a coffee outside in the sun, so we again shared greetings. I love the way the German's shake your hand in greeting and are so enthusiastic when they see you.We had dear Swiss friends for dinner on Monday night. Christine ordered Pie and Sticky Date Pudding. So I made my darling Jocelyn's favourite, Strasbourg Sausage Roll and it went down a treat. Christine gave me the most beautiful bunch of mixed tulips which are doing swimmingly in the entrance hall of our little home. The last few days we have not had the heater on and it has been such a pleasant change. But I don't think the cold weather is over and we will be in for some rain again this weekend.Wednesday night we had our beloved young men from our FeG Church in Loerrach. I made an Aussie Shepherd's Pie and we had left over sticky date pudding (cheating)!! Reuben and Matthias took all Roger's theology books (5 big boxes of them). Although these guys are German, they were thrilled to bits to receive these precious books. We loved having Matthias, (2 Matthias' came to dinner) who has cerebral palsy and is in a wheelchair, in our home again. He lives in an institution so we love feeding him home cooked food and he appreciates it very much. Johnny also joined us but had to leave early to go to work.Today I had German conversation with Kevin and Christine (teacher) and then Hooks and Needles, which I absolutely love, but didn't do anything but talk! Hope to make up for it tonight as Rog is at Men Modelling and won't be home till late.So, aren't I the happy one!
There are daffodils aplenty sprouting all over the place at the moment and what colour they are bringing after a rather drab winter! We went from sleet on Monday to 17C on Thursday! Our poor bodies can hardly cope with the change. It is amazing how quickly gardens come alive at this time of year.
Roger and I have had a tough week but we have been loved and supported by our family and friends. When I arrived at my Hooks and Needles group on Thursday afternoon a dear friend handed me a parcel all beautiful wrapped up. Inside was this pot of sprouting daffodils and I hope to be able to share its progress with you. Also inside the parcel was this little prayer of serenity:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.
A timely reminder to me to take each day at a time, to know how much my Heavenly Father loves me and cares for me. I just wish my emotions were a little more consistent and not all over the place.
Roger's speaking was badly affected on Thursday but is okay now. This is seeming to be the pattern for the progression of ALS in Roger.
We have just returned from a lovely walk this Saturday, up the hill and past the horse stables. (Our favourite walk which we are going to miss VERY much). We went right up the hill, with a few breath breaks (!!) so covered about 5 km's and we arrived home just before the rain. So, now I blog as I drink my cup of Lady Grey Tea!

Here is the project that Roger and the guys (Stewart, Curt, Bob, David, Evangelino) have been working on for many months at the English speaking club 'Centrepoint' in Basel. I would have given up long ago!!
Curt's wife (they are from Denmark) has made the sails beautifully so I will have to blog another photo of the finished product in the coming weeks! I wonder what they are going to do next!
Brigitta took this photo last Thursday night (11 March) and made the comment:
"Good looking guys. You should model!"
I thought it was very cute!
So, here are the adventures of Roger over the past weeks (?months). You are looking at one happy chappy!!!! I can tell you, he can't take the smile off his face! So, he's just arrived home exhausted. I will put a beer in his hand and place a lovely Thai dip on the table. I think if he settles in front of the TV and starts to relax he will fall asleep. It's been quite a week. Last Saturday Stewart (Aussie) and Curt and Louise (Danish) came out for the day and did a lot of work on the model rail layout. Talk about amazing transformation. Then on Tuesday Stewart came out again for the day and did a lot of work Roger is not able to do because it requires 2 hands. On Thursday Bob (American) came out and did all sorts of things!!! Then the boys - Rog, Stu and Bob went out for dinner then came back and worked on the layout until 11.30pm!!This weekend Roger is displaying his model rail layout - N gauge, Japanese layout - at the FES (School) in Stetten, near Loerrach, Germany. There are many displays but of course Rog is pretty chuffed and thinks his is the best!So, here are some photo's you have all been holding out for!!!!!
What did I tell you about this grin?
Wils, Louise, Curt and Stryker-Ann
Paul taking a video (he transported the layout for Rog)

Bob on Thursday