Thursday, May 13, 2010

Celebrating our 34th Honeymoon

We feel very spoiled that some dear German friends paid for us to have a 3 day trip into the Swiss Alps last Monday till Wednesday. We left home at 9.35 and arrived at our destination in Chur around 13.30. We immediately changed trains and went on a trip to Davos. On the weekend prior to our visit there had been a snow fall, so it was very pretty, but rather cold! Also it was raining every now and then. We stayed 2 nights in Chur at the Stern Hotel and were treated to a Superior Room, red wine, fruit and chocies! Yum. Also a lovely note from our friends. We were a little disappointed that we didn't have time to explore Chur because we were too busy riding the trains!

On Tuesday we wanted to take a day trip to Tirano (10 hours turn around), but the weather was not good so we decided to go as far as Pontresina, find somewhere for lunch and then get an early train back to Chur. As it was we left at 9am and didn't get back until 18.30! A huge day for us both.

Wednesday we went on the best trip, an hour from Chur to Aroso. W O W ! ! ! The scenery was spectacular even though the weather wasn't good. When we got to the top we could see the beautiful lake and Alps, but by the time we left, 1/2 hour later, it was all clouded over and raining. It was a shame we didn't get to see any wildlife. One of the conductors told us you often see wild animals close to the train on this route. We got back to Chur and then took the train to Disentis/Muster. A nice trip, but not the best we had done.

We arrived home Wednesday trained out and very tired!! Wanna see some photo's?!!!

One of the many viaducts we went over

Amazing to think people live here. Would love to go back to this little village. It has the cutest restaurant right on the river. We kept passing it on our many trips. The village is called Tiefencastel,

Look at that wood pile. They always look so neat!

It has given me a real taste to want to see more, but that is not going to happen any time soon!!



Pat said...

Oh I did enjoy my dear friend!
What a nice treat your friend gave are so loved.
Roger looks very well, such a wonderful smile!
Hugs to you!

Bahamas Honeymoon Resorts said...

Lovely place to spend honeymoon vacation resorts. wow it your 34th honeymoon

Joce said...

Wow - 34 years... I don't feel so old now ;) Have a wonderful Anniversary weekend this weekend, hope you get to spend lots of time together and with friends - Talk soon? Joce xo

Pamela said...

what a beautiful (yet scary in that one shot) trip.


Cheryl F said...

What a delightful trip and some lovely places. And doing it in sit-down style! Making the most of it before you have to peddle your way through the scenery, Gaynor, on your grand ride (I read your bike training schedule on your earlier blog... GO GIRL)

So glad you can have treats like this. Also looked at your web link for your bike tour route. You're right... green with envy !!!!!

lots of love, Ches.