Wednesday, December 18, 2013

My grandchildren

I've been having so much fun with my grandchildren.  I've joined "Friends of the Melbourne Zoo".  This means I can take the children to the Zoo whenever I like.  I can also go to the Healesville Wildlife Park & Werribee Zoo.  If I am adventurous, I can also go to any Zoo in Australia & I don't have to pay (like that's going to happen!!!).  

So, I have taken the boys to the Zoo quite a few times and I have taken Chloe once.  I hope I might be able to take her again soon.  

Here are just a few pictures of the grandchildren.  Edward & Nathan are now nearly 2 1/2 years old & Chloe is 18 months old.

Nathan enjoying the Meerkats

Chloe at the Zoo

This photo was taken at the little animal farm at the Swedish Bazaar

Chloe & Nathan taken at Carols by Candlelight last Sunday 15 December


Anonymous said...

Hello Gaynor,
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas with all your Gorgeous Grandies! I'm sure you will have lots of fun with them.
Good to see you are a Zoo member, it is fantastic to be able to pop in for a quick visit when it suits.
Take care & enjoy,
Love Melissa, Norton & Kiddies x

Anonymous said...

Christmas greetings to you and your children and grandchildren. Love the photos and stories.