Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Birthday celebrations

I had a wonderful time celebrating my birthday with the family at The Dumpling King in Box Hill.  We sat at a huge round table with a lazy susan in the middle (the children loved this) and the food just kept coming!  What a great way to enjoy time with the family, and no cleaning up afterwards!

My sister Irene came over from Perth for a week, which went ever so quickly.  Lots of games of Chinese Checkers (jealous are you Wirt????!!!!), a movie, shopping and eating and drinking.  On the Saturday the girls took off to the Yarra Valley for a day out.  Here's Glenda (with Olivia who is now 7 months old), Irene, me and Jocelyn at a little cafe in Yarra Glen.  We also visited the Yarra Dairy and had a very yummy cheese platter.

Jocelyn and I had an amazing night out last night.  We went to see the Stage production of "The Last Confession" with David Suchet.  We loved the production and David Suchet was brilliant.  I am quite overwhelmed how lines are learnt!  There's no room for mistakes in a production like this!  If you happen to get the chance to see it, please go.  I can't remember the last time I went to a live production.  Need to do it more often!!
Jocelyn and I went to The Red Pepper (Indian) beforehand for a very yummy Goat curry.  Most enjoyable.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a lovely day!
Love Melissa xx

Anonymous said...

You and Jocelyn both look terrific. Happy Birthday.

Anonymous said...

so nice, all the grandchildren with you. It really fits :-)

Love, Johanna

Anonymous said...

Hi Gaynor, I love it when there's news and pictures of you here. Have a good year.
Praying for you all