Saturday, February 23, 2008


Our Darling Son,
It's your big day today, 23 February. We wish you a very Happy Birthday. We know we will be missing out on all the fun as you celebrate with your family and friends, but our loving thoughts will be with you on this your special day.
We love you very much our darling Tim. We are very proud of you in all you have done and we want to wish you much happiness in the coming days, months and years. We pray that God will bless you in all you do as you seek to be guided by him.
With our love,
Dad and Mum xo xo xo xo

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Visit to Rickenbach

Silence isn't always golden! It's been a tough couple of weeks with emotions overtaking me that I just hadn't imagined. I don't want to 'bear all', needless to say I am feeling a bit better so time for a post.

What better way to cheer me up than to tell you of a lovely visit Roger and I had to my friend Marianne's place in Rickenback, a half hour drive from here. This visit took place a couple of week's ago. I took some photo's from inside their lovely warm home. I have felt cheated of snow this year, especially after visiting Marianne and Wolfram and seeing all the snow around.

I know some of my lovely blogging friends in the US have been overloaded with snow, so won't appreciate what a novelty it is for this Aussie! My apologies Pat and Pam!

Saturday, February 02, 2008


My Dad (Bob or Grandad Bob) and his beloved Vic

Robert Walter Annear - born 3 July 1923 in South Australia,
died 2 February 2008 in Western Australia
84 years of age
My Dad went home to be with his Heavenly Father early this morning. At last he is at peace and reunited with his beloved wife. It is such a relief that God in his mercy has taken him to Heaven as these past 10 weeks spent in hospital have been particularly hard for him, but even harder for my sisters Irene and Brenda as they have constantly visited him and tried to care in a loving way for him.

I long to be with my sisters Jillian, Cherith, Irene and Brenda at this time, but that is not going to be. We have arranged for our daughter Jocelyn to fly to Perth to represent our family and be with my sisters and the extended family. She will give us a good report back.