Monday, February 23, 2009


Today is Tim's Birthday. Well, actually, it is past his Birthday as I type this. Hopefully he is fast asleep preparing for his short week!

We spent a wonderful Christmas with Tim and his gorgeous wife Amy and we have such happy memories of the short time we spent together. Aren't memories just the greatest thing? They keep us going when we are feeling low, busy, tired or just plan homesick.

I just want to pay tribute to my beautiful son and say how thankful I am to God for giving him to Roger and I to guide and bring up all those years ago. He has brought us much joy all these years and we both feel very blessed to have a son who loves Jesus with all his heart and wants to follow in his ways.

Photo taken in a restaurant in Luzern

Taken on Lake Titesee (about 1.5 bus ride from our place)

Saying goodbye to Barcelona!

Tim we love you very much and wish you a great year ahead.

Mum and Dad xo xo xo xo


My friend Sabine came to visit overnight Thursday and we hit Basel together on Friday!! I wanted to buy a new hat and thought Sabine was the perfect person to be with to give me some good advice (being an interior designer and she has true style). The picture tells the story. Sabine was very keen to know what Roger would think. I arrived home sporting my hat and Roger's reaction was not what I wanted! Oh dear!

Friends visited for Brunch on Saturday morning and they too weren't that keen on the hat. I am daring to let you see some photo's and an obviously want your opinion (not that it's going to account for anything - for I LOVE the hat)!!

So, here it is!!

At the end of January I organized a new group at Centrepoint, the English speaking club we belong to in Basel. I saw one of the ladies crocheting when I was on duty last November and I thought it would be a good idea to see if other women were interesting in learning/beginning again to crochet. Well, it has been a huge success with 16 ladies having their name on the email list and we usually get at least 10 turning up on a Thursday afternoon for a couple of hours. It really has been so much fun.
Below is my first project!! Roger was quick to say he wanted a scarf, before I had time to think about making anything!! So, here is in modelling my first project. Hopefully there will be many more to come - Hat's anyone???!!!!!

Yes, he did want it THAT wide and THAT long !! I've already received another order for the same! My little fingers will be kept out of mischief, at least until the summer!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


We received a Christmas present from our friends Carole, Joachim, Jani and Jenny - a trip to Aeschaffenburg to see them. So, we organized rail tickets and off we went on 5 February. Here are some photo's of our time there.

Jenny had her 16th Birthday on 6 February. Present opening at 7am and then breakfast together was the order of the day!

Jenny and Jani clowning around!

This photo was taken in the Pancake Parlour we went to for lunch! They don't really love each other this much. After all, they're brother and sister!!!

Gaynor, Kathy and Lisa (coffee after Church)

Singing at Church - friend Nicole out the front singing

This picture is for Glenda. Photo of Nicole. Her eyes told me she was sad!

So, we had lots of chats together, played new and old card games together and they generally wore me out like they usually do. The Stolz household is a very busy one with much coming and going. I did some baking before we left so took up a Chocolate cake, Anzac biscuits and Raisin chews which were all very well received.

Thursday, February 05, 2009


Drinking a toast for Jakob's 1st Birthday! You guessed it, Jakob
was none the wiser!!!

Yesterday Roger and I were up bright and early to catch 3 trains to Solothurn. (Sometimes we spend a lot of time waiting!!). We were visiting Fritz, Ilona, Anna and Jakob. As you will see by the photo's, we are very much part of the family and are included in all the family activities. It really is very special. Whilst there Roger was able to pack up the book shelves as they are on the move again, this time back to Hockwald back near Basel. I took Jakob for a lovely long walk along the river. It was about 2C but the sun was shining and there was no breeze. Jakob slept the whole time, which wasn't much fun for me! I was away 2 hours and the family was starting to worry where I had got to!

The cutest little first Birthday candle holder. Jakob really
wanted to get his hands on it!

Gotta love those glasses! He almost succeeded in pulling them off my face! (One of my pet hates has been having my glasses touched or smudged, just ask my kids!!).

We eventually left for home on the 6.01pm train (and arrived home at 9.20pm). It was a long but happy day. A bit sad that we won't be visiting the lovely town of Solothurn in Switzerland again any time soon, thought I did say to Rog we must visit in summer and do a nice walk/picnic along the river. It really is quite beautiful with the white swans and ducks all along the way.