Another sunny day today, though a little cool as we walked to the train this morning to go to Church. There was a slight wind blowing (like yesterday), but once on the train we were fine."Our boys" came to lunch today. Reuben and Joshua were unable to come because of prior commitments but they were 'replaced' by Marcus, Stefan and Daniel! Peter and Matthias were the regulars. I made a Banoffee Pie yesterday and then made He Te Min for lunch. A great hit. Roger thought about inviting Daniel yesterday so whizzed off an email to him. We met Daniel at Centrepoint and he has been in Basel 10 months. It was great to welcome him to our little home and he blended well with our German boys. Daniel is from New York City. His mother is Swiss but she never spoke anything but English to them in the home. Daniel is trying to learn German and to get a job in Basel.So, the dishes have just been done and it is time for me to put my feet up and relax for a couple of hours before I go to bed. It is 8.00pm and feels like 4.00pm. It is so light outside and the sun is shining brightly.We are getting organized to go back to Australia on 31 July. On Friday I thought we only had 8 weeks to go. I was very disappointed to learn that it is actually 9 weeks, so I'd better not start the countdown just yet!!
Here we are at Hohe Flum just up the hill from our place. We took Angela up here for a BBQ for one of the May holidays we had. It's just so beautiful and you feel you could be anywhere in the world. (I can walk 'up this hill' a lot easier these days - thank goodness!!). It's cherry season soon and there are many cherry trees around here. The farmers sell them outside their properties so I will be taking the long walk up to buy fresh cherries very soon.