Saturday, June 06, 2009


On Thursday we had the absolute privilege of attending the Civil Ceremony Service for our Aussie friend Stewart and our Swiss friend Katja. In Europe you officially get married in your local government office where all the paperwork is done. Then you can have another service, in a Church or whatever you choose.

Stewart had asked Roger to be a witness at the wedding. It was the most beautiful afternoon/evening and we enjoyed the intimacy of being part of the family for this time. Very, very special for us both. We began with an Apero at around 2pm where friends gathered to enjoy a drink and finger food together. Then the service was held just down the road. The 8 of us then drove to Gempen to enjoy champagne and nibbles together. We then drove back down the mountain to enjoy a very yummy meal together. We eventually arrived home at 11.30pm.

Here are a few photo's for you to enjoy.

Katja's father and best friend Eta

The groom and best man

Wedding certificate being handed over

Yep......."Just Married"!!

The happy wedding party high up the mountain in Gempen
(we had hiked up here a couple of week's ago)

1 comment:

Pamela said...

so -- it must be done in the government office first... interesting.

There is just something much nicer about a church wedding