Today is Jocelyn's Birthday and I'm not there to spoil her.
I do hope you've had a wonderful day Jocelyn (even though you had to go to work) and that you had a great dinner with the family.
Another year has passed and I am sure you have learned many things about life, yourself, other people, work and leisure. May the year ahead be a very happy one for you and may the dreams you have become a reality.
Thank you for being so special and such a wonderful and thoughtful daughter.
I love you very much.
Your Mum xo xo xo xo
(sorry about the photo - I don't have any up to date ones - that's terrible isn't it?)
Thanks Mum, it was a good day! No photos must mean I never e-mail you any! You'll just have to take lots when you're here in Oz... Love you lots too! xo xo xo xo
have I mentioned that my granddaughter is the same name.. but spelled Johslyn.
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