Saturday, March 20, 2010

Special moments

There are daffodils aplenty sprouting all over the place at the moment and what colour they are bringing after a rather drab winter! We went from sleet on Monday to 17C on Thursday! Our poor bodies can hardly cope with the change. It is amazing how quickly gardens come alive at this time of year.

Roger and I have had a tough week but we have been loved and supported by our family and friends. When I arrived at my Hooks and Needles group on Thursday afternoon a dear friend handed me a parcel all beautiful wrapped up. Inside was this pot of sprouting daffodils and I hope to be able to share its progress with you. Also inside the parcel was this little prayer of serenity:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.

A timely reminder to me to take each day at a time, to know how much my Heavenly Father loves me and cares for me. I just wish my emotions were a little more consistent and not all over the place.

Roger's speaking was badly affected on Thursday but is okay now. This is seeming to be the pattern for the progression of ALS in Roger.

We have just returned from a lovely walk this Saturday, up the hill and past the horse stables. (Our favourite walk which we are going to miss VERY much). We went right up the hill, with a few breath breaks (!!) so covered about 5 km's and we arrived home just before the rain. So, now I blog as I drink my cup of Lady Grey Tea!

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1 comment:

Pat said...

Thank you for the update and window into your lives. Your attitude is so precious, and your sharing so honest.
I continue to keep you and Roger in my prayers, and know that the God who created this amazing world also holds you in the palm of his hand.
Sending warm hugs..