Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Beginning week 3 in Perth

Irene picked us up on Monday morning and we went down to Cottesloe Beach for a lovely walk and then a swim in the Indian Ocean. It wasn't really hot (about 24C) but after a walk I felt like a cool off. It was divine. The water is so cool and refreshing and you can feel it doing you good. If only I could swim every day (well, I'm not actually swimming, I'm doing little exercises and just enjoying being in the water with the waves washing over me). What a shame Roger doesn't enjoy swimming and water in general.

I had been carrying on about swimming to Irene so much she decided she would annoy me and swim on Sunday just to say she had started before me. What sort of a sister is that!! Oh, we are really going to enjoy each other company. It is going to be great.

After our swim we had a coffee and special raisin toast at Beaches Cafe then headed back to Irene and George's for a curry and just a few games of Chinese Checkers. Irene and I are CC's buddies with just a little competition thrown in. She is currently winning 4/1! Bit sad isn't it? But I will improve my game. We just love playing this game and each time we get together out comes the board.

We checked out another Church on Sunday morning. We loved the singing and the message, which was 'You must not stea' was pretty good as well. But why oh why don't Churches get their act together and learn how to make new people feel welcome and comfortable! Roger will get his choice of where to go this Sunday.

Roger washed Brenda's car yesterday after her visit to the farm this past weekend. It was very 'buggy'!!!! I planted some petunias in the front garden and I can see them growing already.

Roger is off to the GP again this afternoon. I am finding it hard having to do all the driving. I was always very happy to leave it to Roger in the past and only drive when I had to.

So, this is a little update for you and to let you know things are going okay.

1 comment:

Joce said...

Who is WaltBayliss, I wonder...? Am praying you meet more people every day... seriously, why not join a choir, or something... and Dad needs to join a model rail thingo... Or maybe there's a "we'd rather live in Europe" club, you could start one, if there's not!! ;) Love you stacks and stacks & wish you were here... have to wait till December, how many weeks is that? xo xo xo