Here we are sitting on a bench in Fremantle when we had a lovely evening with Dave & Sue back in March. Rog just giving the thumbs up that we are having a good time (and need a rest as well)!!
Roger turns 58 today. Currently he is sitting on our lovely leather lounge entertaining Pepper, who is bringing us a lot of joy. We have given him a new toy this morning (with a rattle inside). Roger and Pepper are both cute, cute, cute ! ! !
This time last year we went to Riquewihr, in the Alsace in France with Stephen and Barbara James for a very happy day in the lovely old village which we have visited many times before. What special memories we treasure in our hearts.
Around this time we also had lunch with friends in Basel, Sheldon and Shelley Jones and said a sad farewell to Anne Scheidel who returned to the US of A.
Then our cycling tour for 5 days with Joshua, Jayne and Angela in the Loire Valley in France. Joshua visited us from Sydney last week and reminded us of the amazing time we had together. What an adventure.
So today I want to pay tribute to my wonderful husband of 35 years. With God's help, Roger has made me into the woman I am today (Mum helped as well). God still has a lot of work to do I am sure!
Roger has taught me tolerance, patience, how to be non judgmental and kind. If you don't have a positive word to say to someone, don't speak.
Nothing seems to phase Roger. Sometimes he's a bit too placid for my liking, but he also loves a good time and if I'm prepared to organize things, he happy tags along, or lovingly accepts all the people I invite into our home! I remember how busy he was on Sunday when he was a Parish Priest, but he would always welcome visitors to our table for a Sunday roast. I love and admire him for his willingness to keep working when all he probably wanted to do was have an afternoon nap!
Now, as Motor Neurone Disease (ALS or Lou Gehrig's Disease) overtakes him, he is determined to keep going and being as independent as he possibly can. He only asks for help with dressing or food when he absolutely has to. He stays positive most of the time, and his sense of humour has blossomed in these last months since coming back to Australia from Germany. We don't even want to think about the road ahead, but try and live each day to make more happy memories!
I love my precious Roger with all my heart and with God's help and all you lovely family and friends praying for us, we will get through this time that Roger has left on this earth. For none of us know when our time on earth will end, Roger is just more aware of it than most.
Thank you for 35 precious years my darling. I love you very, very much.
Gaynor xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo
1 comment:
Roger has been the best of Dads. I too have so many treasured memories. His courage as he lives out his last days is so inspiring, I only hope I can honour the family name he gave me! Love all your blogging Mum xxoo
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