I can remember someone saying to me before we came to Germany that many people would come and go in my life and that is the nature of our work. This is so true and I find it very difficult to cope with. People are so very special to me and I can get attached easily and quickly.
First there was beautiful Sue who was in Basel from New Zealand with her husband supposedly for 6 months and ended up staying around 10 months (or thereabouts). We talked to easily together, had coffee's together, visited in each others homes, walked together. All special things.

Sue introduced me to the lovely Tara who is South African married to a New Zealander. They were in Basel for a couple of months and stayed 7 months!! We would meet in Basel for coffee and have a good natter together. Tara has a delightful 3.5 month old daughter Cassie. I try to keep in email contact with Sue and Tara.

Then of course Wirt and Linda, our darling friends who we got to know almost as soon as we arrived here have now retired home to Texas and we absolutely miss them so much. No one will ever replace them, but we look for people we can share openly with about what is on our hearts and sometimes the challenges we face.
O Mum, your little dedication to your friends almost made me teary! I know you find it hard, but remember that they also find it hard to leave you too!! And Mum, remember that we all are just passing through. Sometimes we are blessed with companions for our journey, but other times we just have a brief time to encourage and strengthen one another. I'm praying hard for a new "Wirt & Linda" for you... Lots love, xo <><
Thanks darling for your timely and encouraging words. Sometimes I do forget that we are just passing through. You are so special to remind me of this.
I love you so much my darling daughter. Your loving Mum xo xo xo
That was a precious tribute to your friends....who will always be a part of your life. Proverbs 17:17 tells us "A friend loves at all times..." distance will only cause a physical seperation - but your hearts are forever joined. You are a dear friend to me - even with the many miles between us. Praying for more special people in your life - you have so much love to share.
Exciting news - daughter now 18 - I have two adult children!!! Don't want to rain on your parade but !!!!
Hello Roger & Gaynor,
Have been so busy with life here in Bahrain that it has taken me this long to check out your blog. Very nice that you included us in your memories. We may be back in Basel next year.
Will keep you informed.
Have just returned from a relaxing holiday in Cyprus.
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