Friday, April 18, 2008


So, what's inside here! I just love the way the Florists and Garden Shops wrap up your flowers and plants (to keep them safe from the weather).
And here it is! My new bathroom plant looking very healthy. In the background is a painting given to us by a friend (Lisa) here. She is a wonderful artist and this is a special picture.
Isn't this house so cute. Taken from our loungeroom window!

Also taken from our loungeroom window, the side of the house next door. Oh I forgot, I should have taken a photo of the vegie garden in progress. Next time.

Yes, I did have things to do today, but I didn't really feel like doing them. I did make a lasagne for my Girl's Night tomorrow night and started on the chicken soup stock for Monday lunch time when the hiking group is coming here for lunch.


Pamela said...

that is a pretty plant. It almost looks like a peace lily, but I know it isn't

Gaynor said...

Pam, It's a Spathiphyllum. It is suppose to help purify the air (that was the only thing in English, all the rest is in German!!). But I sound knowledgeable, don't I? It does look lovely in the bathroom.

Anonymous said...

Very classy residential area. The houses are so different. Painting certainly has an Aboriginal theme. Hope all going well with you. I have weekend free from study so I will make the most of it.


Pat said...

Those neighboring homes looks so pretty, such a nice area in which to live! That plant also looks to me like a Peace Lily, which is also used to purify the air, at any rate, it's lovely, and you do sound very knowledgable..I'm impressed!!