Sunday, April 13, 2008


So, what have I been up to since Easter?!! Having been sick for 2 weeks prior to Easter I have been trying to catch up on 'things', but I realise this is not possible! We've done lots of entertaining, which we love, walking, reading, writing, etc. I am hoping for some Spring weather. It has continued to be rather cold here and the last few days we have had a lot of rain, so our little canal in the backyard is rather full and bubbling quickly along. We love it.

I've been cooking a lot, but giving most of it away (which is good for us both - that we don't eat all the things I make!!). Had 2 visits to the Dentist - my teeth are terrible. I don't know how they can do anything to my teeth, but they do and I continue to have my own!!
Last night a few of us met to say goodbye to Galerie Weibel and then to move on to to inspect Fritz Weibel's beautiful new offices. He has begun an investment trading bank and my goodness, is he doing it in style. He would have one of the most central positions in Basel with quite the view of the comings and goings of people.

Above are Fritz, Amanda, Roger and Aaron


Lorraine, Adam, Marianne and Bernhard in the top photo.

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