Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Don't we look like a great table of people! Boy did we have fun this day.
Roger, Gaynor, Maria and Deanna

The things girl's discuss while they're on the train! GO MARIA and DEANNA
The 4 of us took off by train to Waldshut one Friday afternoon after Centrepoint. We sure did have a great time together. Lovely lunch, great shopping, afternoon tea (!!) more shopping and then home. Friendship is just so special.


Pamela said...

it does look like a fun day and a fun place to eat.

Pat said...

Looks like a great time!
My dear Gaynor, I know you really do work hard, but it looks like you also have a great time when your not working!

Gaynor said...

Work and pleasure always go together Pat! Roger and I work very hard on both! I think that's why we are so happy here.