Saturday, June 21, 2008


This morning at Centrepoint I was given a gift by a friend and it has really touched my heart. To be thought of when you are not together with a friend is a very special thing. This is not the first time it has happened and it has made me realize how special friends are and that they should never be taken for granted. I have been given quite a few gifts this year and I go 'warm and fuzzy' inside just thinking about them and the people that have thought about me in this way.

Some of the things I have received:

Self Raising Flour all the way from the UK
Golden Syrup all the way from the UK
English Tea
Twinings Earl Grey Tea (I have an addiction!)
Special cotton socks
Evening Primose Oil Tablets
Cookies from Switzerland
Homemade syrup (cordial for those in Aus.)

This list does not include the lovely things that have been sent from Australia.

I feel very, very blessed and especially loved.


Pamela said...

I was introduced to Golden Syrup by another UK blogger.
she gave us a recipe for "Flapjacks"
which is a wonderful cookie. Yum

What do you do with Evening Primrose Oil Tablets/

Gaynor said...

I couldn't live without my Golden Syrup (so we go to France to buy it). Doesn't that sound luxurious, but it isn't really! Just 3/4 hr in train/tram/walk!
Evening Primrose Oil is very good for women! Google and see for yourself!
Love, Gaynor x

Pat said...

You are loved because you give so much love. That beautiful circle of friendship allows others to be blessed as well as blessing you with those gifts. I know I'm blessed since having "bumped" into you on the internet!!
Did I say "blessed" enough times?! You are a treasure!

Gaynor said...

Oh thanks Pat. Yes, it has been wonderful to have met through blogging. We sure are lucky.
Have a great week.