Wednesday, February 18, 2009


We received a Christmas present from our friends Carole, Joachim, Jani and Jenny - a trip to Aeschaffenburg to see them. So, we organized rail tickets and off we went on 5 February. Here are some photo's of our time there.

Jenny had her 16th Birthday on 6 February. Present opening at 7am and then breakfast together was the order of the day!

Jenny and Jani clowning around!

This photo was taken in the Pancake Parlour we went to for lunch! They don't really love each other this much. After all, they're brother and sister!!!

Gaynor, Kathy and Lisa (coffee after Church)

Singing at Church - friend Nicole out the front singing

This picture is for Glenda. Photo of Nicole. Her eyes told me she was sad!

So, we had lots of chats together, played new and old card games together and they generally wore me out like they usually do. The Stolz household is a very busy one with much coming and going. I did some baking before we left so took up a Chocolate cake, Anzac biscuits and Raisin chews which were all very well received.


Glenda said...

Thanks for the pictures Mum! Greatly appreciated. I have been checking frequently to see if you updated! Love G

Joce said...

Yes, a lovely weekend... such special friends you have. Isn't God so good to us all?! xo

Gaynor said...

Oh, my two favourite daughters! Thanks darlings. Aren't you just the most special young ladies? Yes, we are blessed firstly with the best family in the world and then with the best friends. God certainly it SO GOOD TO US ALL.

Pamela said...

fun to see your girls commenting.