Roger and I have been watching the Tour. It has been so much fun this year to follow the action. Why, you might ask?!!
I was speaking to our son in law Tom on the phone a few weeks ago and he wondered if Roger would like the Official Guide of the Tour De France (Australian Edition of course). Well, of course I said he would love it. If only I'd had the camera ready when the post arrived with the rather thick (225 pages) guide arrived. Roger was absolutely thrilled to bits. He loves bike riding and maybe in another life would have liked to have been one of the participants!!!!!!!
So, each day he reads the Official Guide, marks in all the winners and statistics and generally enjoys finding out who's who, and all in English!!
The highlight of this tour is that it is coming very close to our little corner of the world - Colmar in France, just about 1 hours drive from our place on Friday 17 July and we would love to go. Well, actually I AM GOING, but Roger is a little poorly at the moment, so it remains to be seen whether he will be able to go or not.