Thanks to Jennifer (on the right) we were able to go to Niagara Falls on Sunday 6 August. Both Jennifer and Mary (pictured with Roger) were in the class of '71 at Christian Academy in Japan.
Normally it would take 1.5 hrs to drive to Niagara from Toronto. It took us 4 hours because of the traffic (it was a long weekend).
We enjoyed chatting on the way, so it wasn't so bad, and of course it was worth it when we got there.

We went on a tour 'behind the falls' so were decked out in these state of the art, designer yellow raincoats!! Don't we look smashing?
Mary and Jennifer were going to keep them as a souvenir, but I think they eventually ditched that idea.
Go girls, we love you heaps. What a great afternoon, evening we spent together.
Treasured memories that will forever be with us.

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