Sunday, October 21, 2007

Closing thoughts on our holiday in France

This is long overdue, and if it was someone else, they would probably let it go as it is now 12 days since we came back from our holiday in France. But I want to share some thoughts with my lovely blogging friends and also readers of my blog.

  • Helpful people we met on the train
  • Complete strangers at the railway station on our arrival at 10.30pm who made a phone call on their mobile phone to order a taxi for the 6 of us.
  • Helpful and friendly bus drivers (we took the bus a lot)
  • A wonderful lady at the Tourist Office in Agde who suggested we visit Montpellier - a great piece of advice for us, which we took up!
  • A friendly smile goes a long way and breaks down the language barrier!
  • A nice young man at the railway station in Paris who gave us some help and a good map of Paris!
  • Excitement on the way home in Paris when police boarded the carriage on the train in which we were standing, dragged five men out and lined them up against the wall (why does excitement follow us around?!!)
  • A fabulous and smooth ride home.
  • Being home is a wonderful thing, even though the weather has now had a drastic temperature drop (thank you God for heaters!!).

Since being home we have realized just how important holidays are and that we must take them and make the most of them. It is best for us to go somewhere and just relax, rather than being on the move all the time.


Pamela said...

glad you didn't get lined up against the wall, too!!

The vacation is one of which I'm quite envious!

Pat said...

Your last sentence is so true...we must every once and a while stop all our work and take time to "smell the roses"'s what renews us to go back to all that work!