Sunday, October 21, 2007

A special visit this week

An email from my niece Bethany who is travelling with her husband Jeremy saw their arrival at our place on Wednesday evening around 7pm. I met them at Schopfheim Railway Station. What an absolute joy to see them and what a special, special time we had together. They are travelling all over Europe and other parts of the world for 4 months. Here they are in our kitchen.

The morning they left for Luzern (freezing outside and before we put our coats on!). Outside our home.

Here they are setting off down the street from our place.

Just about to arrive at the railway station. They are an amazing pair and it was just wonderful to see them both and have them in our little home for a couple of nights.


Pat said...

What a lovely couple, and how exciting for them to travel and build all these memories. All of the pictures are so nice, but I expecially like the one where they are looking over their shoulder and are about to start the next step of their journey.

Pamela said...

you just don't see many backpackers in our neck of the woods