Friday, March 27, 2009


So, Friday I jump out of bed and the sun is shining, so I think Spring when I dress! Well, that didn't work did it. I was freezing all day and felt very silly, but I wasn't the only one.

We headed off to Centrepoint, but left a little later than usual. I then hung around the city for an hour before catching the tram to Ligia's place. She was celebrating her Birthday with friends. What fun. Lots of Spanish speaking ladies! Flair! Then it was home by 6.45pm. It's good to have Roger at home to cook the meals!!

Saturday Claudia and Jose Luis came to lunch. Claudia is my friend who has the hobby garden in Basel and it is just the loveliest spot in Basel. We haven't caught up for ages, so it was good to see them both, but we decided the catch up wasn't the same with the men there! We we are arranging another get together soon.

Sunday we went off to Church and then I cooked all afternoon. I had already made a Chicken and Corn soup for Monday, so at least it was a start. I cooked an Apple Cake, yummy Date Cake, Bean and Pasta Soup and Cauliflower, Leek and Roasted Red Capsicum soup. We then decided to go for a walk as the sun was shining and it was a beautiful day.

Monday we were leading the hike around Schopfheim. There were 16 of us altogether and then 14 of us for lunch back at our place. What fun. We filled them all up and sent them on their way back to Basel on the train just after 2.00pm. Everyone enjoyed themselves.

Then Monday night Roger and I headed into Basel to go to the movies to see Gran Torino. There were 5 of us in our little party. Good movie.

Needless to say, Tuesday I was wacked! I had a headache all day so just decided to lie low. Not a bad idea every now and then. My batteries do need to be recharged quite a bit these days!! Tuesday night a friend from Church, Stefan, came to dinner and I made a Chilli Con Carne.

The rest of this week has been busy and I have enjoyed myself. The sun isn't shining though!

Tomorrow we head off to Munich by train for the weekend to say goodbye to our Aussie friends Peter and Narelle. They are going back to Australia in July (we want to avoid the 'before going' rush!!) and then are moving to Taiwan. Will let you know how it all goes next week.

Tonight it is back into Basel for both of us for the Centrepoint A.G.M. Hope it's a good one!


Joce said...

Ah, my busy Mum... don't know how you do it!! I've had a lovely sleep, a good morning walk, a leisurely breakfast... and know have to get my act together as I'm off to bake with Meg - yay! Tschuss till later xo xo

Pamela said...

I'd love to attempt to keep up with you... and eat your cooking. I'm interested in the Leek & roasted red capsicum soup. Recipe?

is this spring or a teaser? there was ice on the bird bath this morning. sigh.

Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful except for the collapse afterwards. Plan a day off for yourself every now and again!!! Love frm Ann