Sunday, April 19, 2009

HIKE and BBQ Easter Monday

I decided to send out an email inviting friends to join us for a Hike and BBQ on Easter Monday. I knew there would be a lot of people away, but also that there must be people with nothing to do.

I didn't want an early morning hike, like we usually do on a Monday morning, hence the BBQ! Good idea I thought.

Roger met people at Schopfheim station and then Lisa and I met them as they started to climb the hill up near our place. We went past the horse stables and up, up, up!! Nice walk actually, but some of us needed a few stops!

We finished the hike at our place for coffee and cake/biscuits, etc!!!

We had a 'downtime' Tuesday. We were both rather exhausted and in need of some recovery time from a wonderful Easter weekend. We both had 'leg/foot' problems. Me with blisters still not recovered and Roger with badly strained calf muscles on his left leg. He ran up an embankment on our Monday hike and he said it felt as if someone had thrown a rock at his leg! Poor darling. He needed to be transported back by car from the hike! Not nice.


Pamela said...

sounds like Roger may have snapped a ligament or tendon. oops.

Gaynor said...

Yes and guess what? He is now black and blue. Lovely colours! Oops is right! But will he go to the Dr?????


Anonymous said...

Ouch not good. I just hope he will be OK. Please look after yourselves.

Love frm Ann