Sunday, April 12, 2009


Wasn't feeling 100% this past week so I enjoyed 5 days at home. A rare treat. When we went into Basel last night on said to Roger that it had been a week since I'd been to Basel and on a train actually!

I needed the time out. I wrote some letters, did some spring cleaning, had lovely walks (and have blisters to show for it). Wednesday night at 8.45pm a couple of the young people from our Church turned up to say hi. They were on their bikes. They're in their 20's. They didn't leave until 12.45am!! My goodness.

After our massive dinner party Saturday night we had a visit from Karen and Carolyn. They rode out to Schopfheim from Basel (and back) on their bikes. We treated them to a light lunch and tea/coffee.

Roger and I went for a nice walk on Thursday. The weather has been absolutely glorious here. But I ended up with blisters (again) and so I'm nursing sore feet. A friend has taken me in hand and we went off to buy new walking shoes today. They look quite horrible actually, (brown) but of the 15 pair of shoes I tried on, these were by far the most comfortable. I just hope they will be comfortable when I do a long walk. Madge told me I must change them every 2 years, especially with all the walking I do!

We had a busy Good Friday. The Vosteen family (5) came to lunch and that was a treat for us. Then we took ourselves off to St Michael's to hear St Matthew's Passion being read. I had thought there was a Choir, but none was forthcoming!! It was lovely though. Roger had printed out the readings in English so this helped.

We said goodbye to the Vosteen's and then our neighbours called us over to meet their daughter who lives in Switzerland. She has very good English. We were treated to cake, coffee and wine! Had to rush off at 5.20pm as we needed to catch the train at 5.45pm to go to Kevin and Mark's for Dinner.

So the photo's below are of the Dinner party with them and Christine and Gaudenz. A lovely evening and a late night. Kevin sure does know how to cook up a treat. Not sure if you'll be able to read the menu, but it sure was special.

This is a Pavlova. How does Kevin do it. We had a little discussion about the origins of the Pavlova. New Zealand claims it as their own and so do Australia. It was named after the Russian Ballerina Anna Pavlova. I just can't make them here and I'm not sure why. Watch out family, when I come back to Australia I will be making them every day just to get my confidence back!!


Pamela said...

I've never written down a menu for guests. It never occurred to me! BUT, having now occurred to me - it still won't happen. Just in case something doesn't turn out to be what is on the menu, then we can pretend it is something else at the last minute.

Pamela said...

when I come visit YOU, I want Pavlova giggle.

Joce said...

Bring it on!!! And I can get my confidence back decorating them... ;) And next time you see Kevin, tell him I asked "where's the kiwi fruit??"

Gaynor said...

Oh Joce! You didn't blow up the pavlova photo! It has strawberries, raspberries, kiwi fruit, banana and passionfruit on it! You know Kevin, the best cook/decorator in our circle of friends.