Thursday, May 04, 2006

Riding the train

Sorry, but you are going to hear lots of train stories. Life is terribly interesting when you ride the trains. A smile, a helping hand, looking for English literature (!!). Yes, we are enjoying riding on the trains here in Germany/Basel. The other day we were sitting on the train minding our own business when these guys get on at Lörrach. Roger comments, "here come the PUNK inspector's!" I burst into laughter and it got a little out of hand. You see, we regularly have our monthly rail passes checked but we'd only seen one particularly inspector. These guys were something else. Shaved hair, with long bits, denim (not just denim!), earrings. I mean, these guys were something to look at. A fashion statement indeed. Then today, our usual friendly inspector decided to take a good look at my picture and made some comment in Deutsch. I think he would have said "yes, I can see the similarity"! He had a big smile on his face. Aren't people wonderful? Life is wonderful. (I hope the punk inspector's don't read my blog!)

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