Wednesday, May 03, 2006


On Sunday Roger and I were up bright and early to catch the 8.45am train into Basel. We were off to Church, no ordinary Church I must say. We had to also catch 2 trams to get to our destination. The Church we wanted to attend is meeting the needs of asylum seekers and refugees who find themselves in Basel. Talk about all nations. I felt just a little out of place as we sat there and also a little uncomfortable. The service was in English but translated into German, French and Arabic (not always quietly). The songs took us back to the 1960's but with good rythm with piano, guitar, bongo drums and trumpet! The service was still going when we left at 12.40pm. (It started at 10am). There were 3 men from Romania also in the service and they went forward for prayer. They busk in Basel. And guess what? When we were travelling into Basel yesterday, one of the guys was playing his piano accordian on the tram! I would have liked to give him some francs but didn't have any change. I am going to ask God to lead us to them again. Well why not. What an adventure life is. Who will I meet tomorrow? Who will you meet tomorrow. Be on the look out won't you?

1 comment:

Phili said...

Your two stories are so different - at church you felt out of place, but in the ticket line you just blended in. Heehee! Usually church is our comfort zone :) Glad you are having such great experiences- praying for you in your work and settling in. Love Phili xxx