Monday, July 17, 2006

Radieschen Festival

Schopfheim is the place to be!! This weekend was the Annual Radieschen (Radish) Festival! Our delightful friends Bernhard and Lorraine, from Basel, visited us for breakfast Saturday morning. After one of Roger's famous breakfasts we ventured into town to look at the Saturday market. Wow, what a hive of activity. We came across the Radieschen Festival and we certainly came in for a treat! There was live entertainment throughout the day. Long tables were set out under canvas and you could order radish and buttered bread, sausage, beer, etc. (Sorry, folks we left the camera behind). When we went back in the evening Bernhard spoke to the master of ceremonies and told him we were Australians living in Schopfheim, so we were given a special welcome! It was the most barmy evening and heaps of people were there. We just loved it.

Bernhard and Lorraine arrived just after 10am and left around 11pm that evening! Not a bad breakfast eh? True Aussie style. We love it.

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