Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Hi beautiful family, I wanted to post a picture of us in a lovely wooden area but I stuffed it up, so you just aren't going to see us. Sorry!! We "fuddled" at the SBB Station today and hence missed the walk so decided to catch the train to Frick and do our own walk. It turned into the most beautiful day and oh, the walks are quite something else. Not sure how many kilometres we walked but in time it was about 2.5hrs. Not bad for oldies eh? If we'd gone on our planned walk, we would have walked for 3.5hrs!

So, home to do homework, write a letter to dear Amy for her birthday, cook a yummy curry, do a crossword (good for the brain) and then off to Deutsch. Ah, it's just not stickin'. Maybe one day it will just 'click'. At least I'm not the only one not getting it. Lots of work to do and we need to get our Deutsch friends to help us with the learning.

Off to bed now. It's getting cooler at night but we haven't switched on the heating yet! Mind you, I'm sitting here with my overcoat on!

Love you all very, very much,
Your Mum xoxoxoxoxoxox

PS You are welcome to pop in at any time!!


Glenda said...

Sorry bout the picture Mum, if it's any consolation I still can't get my world map to work!
BTW when you are talking about many kilometers traveled there's no need for an apostrophe as it's plural FYI.
Love (cheeky) Glenda

Gaynor said...

You are VERY cheeky! Reminds me of BOSSY BOOTS ! (Family joke!)