Thursday, October 19, 2006


It's Wednesday night already! Where is this week disappearing to? I spent a quiet Monday at home. Didn't even venture outside for a walk (not good). Roger went off early and met the walking group at Basel SBB. He had a fall at Basel Bad (as he turned around to see which platform he should be on) and landed on his b-o-t-t-o-m! Fortunately following close behind him (and unbeknown to him) was Jack and Deanne, so they 'rescued' him! The he fell whilst on the walk, but fortunately he was okay the next day.

Deutsch Monday night was okay! Need to do much more learning and speaking at home, but we'll get there. Have to, we're living in Deutschland!!

Tuesday Roger left early again to go to Zurich to meet up with Derek. Had a great time. I did some housework and computer work. Sabine came to lunch and we had a great chat together. Spoke to Glenda and Tom on 'Skype' and had a lovely conversation with my gorgeous son, which reminded me how much I miss my beautiful kids. Tuesday night we went into Basel for a lovely meal with Nigel and Tara. Nigel cooks a mean Chicken Curry which was very, very yummy. We had a really relaxing evening and it was good to catch up with them both again. Will have to organize a few more evenings together before they disappear back to Abudhabi.

Today we had lunch with David, Simea and little 14mth old Leah. David is the Youth Pastor at the FeG where we go to Church. We had the loveliest time together and great stimulating conversation. Ah, we love people!!

Tonight we have just come in from our Small Group, where 9 of us met at Jack and Deanne's in Loerrach and listened to one of the "Purpose Driven Life" tapes by Rick Warren. It is the series on Worship and is excellent.

So now, it is time for bed - and to bed I must go!

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