Life is full of ups and downs and leaps and bounds!!
I know I'm not saying anything new. I'm just feeling it at the moment. This is a positive thing, not a negative thing! It's good for us to evaluate and re-evaluate why we are here in Germany/Switzerland, what is our purpose and where are we going, etc. So, we've both been doing a bit of this of late, especially as a conversation Roger had with someone has triggerred all this thinking!!
We had a great day Sunday going to our Church, FeG Loerrach and being encouraged by our German friends there. Then in the afternoon we shifted our Mosaic Team Meeting to Christian and Sandrine's and we had a great discussion on relationships!
We then had Dinner with the family and once the kids went to bed, out came Wizard! We had a great game, even better because I won!! (No, I'm not competitive at all!). Christian has thrown down the challenge for a re-run!
Monday we did emailing, etc then went into Loerrach to look for a good map of the area as we are doing some training at the end of this week.
Roger began Module II for Deutsch. I hope to start Deutsch conversation with Eliane tomorrow. What a darling she is wanting to encourage me in this.
Well, not much going on in our lives. Just working and sorting, etc.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Yes, we're in the grip of Fasnacht Fever. Ever heard of it before? It's a new for us, but then that's not surprising. We have quite a few "new for us" things happening!
So....what's Fasnacht. Well, I think it means different things to different people and if you want to know more, you'd better google Fasnacht as I don't really want to go into all of it.
But seem I have posted a photo of our little mate Juro, I thought I'd better explain. Juro got dressed up for the children's Fasnacht Parade which we did not attend here in Schopfheim. Each district has their own parade and they can start as early as the middle of January. It seems to go on forever and plenty of confetti is thrown about (oh those waterways!)
Fasnacht Basel is something else. Each area has their own badge which you are meant to purchase if you want to be involved in watching all that is going on. These, I believe are 8 Swiss Francs. A 140 page publication is available if you want to know about everything that is going on, but you have to know the Basel dialect to read it. So, here's some information.
"Make sure you arrive in good time. By 4am there's quite a crowd. Leave handbags and valuable items at home, and only take as much cash as you really need. It's best not to wear contact lenses!! Wear warm and sensible clothing.
Morgenstreich takes place in the entire city centre. Each Clique starts from a different place - so, as a spectator, you don't have to be at a particular spot. The most improtant requirement for the Morgenstreich is total darkness. Do not open curtains or light fireworks. Do not use flash photography, as it dazzles those marching in the procession. In any case, you will find your photos of the lanterns look far more atmospheric with no flash.
General points:
Make sure your carnival badge is prominently displayed. Unlike other carnival events, painted faces, false noses, jester's caps, bawdy songs, raucous or drunken behaviour are all frowned upon at the Basel Fasnacht. The participants' masks, instruments and other carnival paraphernalia restrict their mobility. So please make a point of not getting in their way. Let them go first - especially when they go for their well-earned breaks in restaurants.
Good manners and general consideration for other people are especially important during Fasnacht". (extract taken from Centrepoint magazine for February '07)
Will we be getting up at 2am to make it in time for the parade to start at 4am in Basel?
We haven't quite decided, but I don't think we will be there this year. Not unless our arms get twisted really hard and an offer too good to refuse is forthcoming!
So....what's Fasnacht. Well, I think it means different things to different people and if you want to know more, you'd better google Fasnacht as I don't really want to go into all of it.
But seem I have posted a photo of our little mate Juro, I thought I'd better explain. Juro got dressed up for the children's Fasnacht Parade which we did not attend here in Schopfheim. Each district has their own parade and they can start as early as the middle of January. It seems to go on forever and plenty of confetti is thrown about (oh those waterways!)
Fasnacht Basel is something else. Each area has their own badge which you are meant to purchase if you want to be involved in watching all that is going on. These, I believe are 8 Swiss Francs. A 140 page publication is available if you want to know about everything that is going on, but you have to know the Basel dialect to read it. So, here's some information.
"Make sure you arrive in good time. By 4am there's quite a crowd. Leave handbags and valuable items at home, and only take as much cash as you really need. It's best not to wear contact lenses!! Wear warm and sensible clothing.
Morgenstreich takes place in the entire city centre. Each Clique starts from a different place - so, as a spectator, you don't have to be at a particular spot. The most improtant requirement for the Morgenstreich is total darkness. Do not open curtains or light fireworks. Do not use flash photography, as it dazzles those marching in the procession. In any case, you will find your photos of the lanterns look far more atmospheric with no flash.
General points:
Make sure your carnival badge is prominently displayed. Unlike other carnival events, painted faces, false noses, jester's caps, bawdy songs, raucous or drunken behaviour are all frowned upon at the Basel Fasnacht. The participants' masks, instruments and other carnival paraphernalia restrict their mobility. So please make a point of not getting in their way. Let them go first - especially when they go for their well-earned breaks in restaurants.
Good manners and general consideration for other people are especially important during Fasnacht". (extract taken from Centrepoint magazine for February '07)
Will we be getting up at 2am to make it in time for the parade to start at 4am in Basel?
We haven't quite decided, but I don't think we will be there this year. Not unless our arms get twisted really hard and an offer too good to refuse is forthcoming!
Friday, February 23, 2007
Japanese Bridge in the Garden of Giverny by Claude Monet
So, here's the finished product. Pretty nice isn't it? Almost want to glue it together and put it on the wall. What a mammoth effort.
This is what happens when you sleep on something! It will eventually work.
So, here's the finished product. Pretty nice isn't it? Almost want to glue it together and put it on the wall. What a mammoth effort.
This is what happens when you sleep on something! It will eventually work.

We are very proud parents. Today (well, depending where you are in the world) but 23 February anyway, our Tim turns 29. We hope you have a wonderful Birthday Tim, that you're not working too hard (! ! !) and that you enjoy a yummy dinner with the family. We are thinking of you, praying for you and missing you very much.
Love Mum and Dad xoxoxo
Our Thursday
We left our little home in Schopfheim at 11.15am this morning and travelled into Basel by train. We went to Bernhard and Lorraine's to drop things off. They invited back for dinner at 6pm!! We visited 2 English bookshops to ask if we could posters up of our Mosaic Concert coming up in Loerrach on 10 March. We also visited Centrepoint to put up a poster there.
Basel is buzzing, getting ready for Fastnacht which begins 4am Monday! Not sure whether we will brave the elements for that, though Bernhard and Lorraine would like us to. It would mean getting up at 2am Monday!
The weather is glorious at the moment. We grabbed a bite to eat and then joined the throngs on the steps beside the Rhine to eat and soak up the sun. Honestly, it was like a summer's day.
Then we caught the tram to the French border (Saint Louis) as I wanted to buy some Self Raising Flour and a few other bits and pieces. We had tea/coffee in a cute little cafe/pub called La Poste Cafe. Talk about mixing it with the locals, except I kept wanting to use my limited Deutsch instead of French! At least we can laugh about it. Even the waitress said "You're welcome!!"
Then back to Bernhard and Lorraine's for a delightful dinner. They're such great company and we are never lost for words.
Now we're home and hope to make a little phone call to sing Happy Birthday to our darling son who turns 29 on 23 February!
Basel is buzzing, getting ready for Fastnacht which begins 4am Monday! Not sure whether we will brave the elements for that, though Bernhard and Lorraine would like us to. It would mean getting up at 2am Monday!
The weather is glorious at the moment. We grabbed a bite to eat and then joined the throngs on the steps beside the Rhine to eat and soak up the sun. Honestly, it was like a summer's day.
Then we caught the tram to the French border (Saint Louis) as I wanted to buy some Self Raising Flour and a few other bits and pieces. We had tea/coffee in a cute little cafe/pub called La Poste Cafe. Talk about mixing it with the locals, except I kept wanting to use my limited Deutsch instead of French! At least we can laugh about it. Even the waitress said "You're welcome!!"
Then back to Bernhard and Lorraine's for a delightful dinner. They're such great company and we are never lost for words.
Now we're home and hope to make a little phone call to sing Happy Birthday to our darling son who turns 29 on 23 February!
Japanese Bridge in the Garden of Giverny by Claude Monet
Well that's it! Do you think I can get the finished picture of the puzzle on my blog! I give up, you're just going to have to use your imagination. I am tired of trying to put pictures on my blog. My darling daughter is going to try and fix the problem for me (in Australia) over the weekend.
I received the puzzle for Christmas '04 and it stayed in the cellophane until Jan '07!! When I got sick with the shingles we thought it might be a good little project to keep my mind off ME!! Well, the puzzle nearly drove me, Roger, Jocelyn and friend James mad. Very difficult and time consuming. And to make matters worse, Roger and I finished it off in the evening after Jocelyn's departure, so we were a bit sad she wasn't here to help put in the final pieces. WHAT'S MORE.... there were 4 pieces left over, all duplicates that were already in the puzzle. Now that wasn't nice at all. Anyway, enjoy the photo's of all our hard work. The puzzle is still sitting on it's board in tact.
Who wants to do it next? ! ! ! !
I received the puzzle for Christmas '04 and it stayed in the cellophane until Jan '07!! When I got sick with the shingles we thought it might be a good little project to keep my mind off ME!! Well, the puzzle nearly drove me, Roger, Jocelyn and friend James mad. Very difficult and time consuming. And to make matters worse, Roger and I finished it off in the evening after Jocelyn's departure, so we were a bit sad she wasn't here to help put in the final pieces. WHAT'S MORE.... there were 4 pieces left over, all duplicates that were already in the puzzle. Now that wasn't nice at all. Anyway, enjoy the photo's of all our hard work. The puzzle is still sitting on it's board in tact.
Who wants to do it next? ! ! ! !
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
I'm done in, but I just couldn't resist coming to the computer and posting!
It's Saturday night 10pm and we have just said goodbye to our beautiful friends Bernhard and Lorraine. They arrived at our home around 11.45am with a back pack fully laden with supplies to have a BBQ somewhere on our hike! We set off at 12 noon, 'hiked' about 5 km's and found the perfect spot to stop for lunch. There was a table and then the remains of a fire that had been lit at some stage, not sure how long ago. Bernhard and Roger set up the fire with Lorraine and I looking for firewood. What a treat. We eventually got the fire going (most of the wood was quite damp) and then with these amazing long handled and very sophisticated forks we roasted our delicious, mouth watering (no ordinary) sausages, bread and vegetables (zucchini and carrot) and then to top off our lunch 'banana boats'. Lorraine cut the bananas lengthways leaving the skin on the banana. Then she put chocolate down the middle, put them on foil and then into the fire. Need I say more?!! OH MY GOODNESS.
We packed up and came home. Had a relaxing time and then dinner together. Hungarian Goulash. Another delightful day spent with special friends. Thanks Bernhard and Lorraine.
It's Saturday night 10pm and we have just said goodbye to our beautiful friends Bernhard and Lorraine. They arrived at our home around 11.45am with a back pack fully laden with supplies to have a BBQ somewhere on our hike! We set off at 12 noon, 'hiked' about 5 km's and found the perfect spot to stop for lunch. There was a table and then the remains of a fire that had been lit at some stage, not sure how long ago. Bernhard and Roger set up the fire with Lorraine and I looking for firewood. What a treat. We eventually got the fire going (most of the wood was quite damp) and then with these amazing long handled and very sophisticated forks we roasted our delicious, mouth watering (no ordinary) sausages, bread and vegetables (zucchini and carrot) and then to top off our lunch 'banana boats'. Lorraine cut the bananas lengthways leaving the skin on the banana. Then she put chocolate down the middle, put them on foil and then into the fire. Need I say more?!! OH MY GOODNESS.
We packed up and came home. Had a relaxing time and then dinner together. Hungarian Goulash. Another delightful day spent with special friends. Thanks Bernhard and Lorraine.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Back Home
My lovely friends will be giving up on me! Apologies! 2007 has been a bit of a whirlwind. What with me getting shingles; Jocelyn being with us; trying to catch up with friends; then going to London to do London Lab. All too much for this old bird! Roger and I are walking around the house this morning like zombie's. Roger is recovering from the cold he caught terribly in London, passing it on to me. So mine is now fully developed and most miserable!
Sickness brings on missing our children. We're both a bit teary and wishing we could just see them and talk face to face. Oh well..... this too will pass.
Apart from all this we are so excited to be alive and living in this part of the world! We are off for a hike with Bernhard and Lorraine today. Just hope I can make the distance. Not very fit at the moment. Will be lovely to be out in the fresh air though, so I'm sure it will be good for all of us.
I have so much to share but must tackle the ironing! Grrrrr! Imagine that..... having to the do ironing! Will catch you all later, beautiful people. xx
Sickness brings on missing our children. We're both a bit teary and wishing we could just see them and talk face to face. Oh well..... this too will pass.
Apart from all this we are so excited to be alive and living in this part of the world! We are off for a hike with Bernhard and Lorraine today. Just hope I can make the distance. Not very fit at the moment. Will be lovely to be out in the fresh air though, so I'm sure it will be good for all of us.
I have so much to share but must tackle the ironing! Grrrrr! Imagine that..... having to the do ironing! Will catch you all later, beautiful people. xx
Monday, February 05, 2007
This morning we said goodbye to our darling daughter Jocelyn at Zurich Airport as she heads back to Melbourne for another new adventure! We know she is in God's hands and He will look after her each step of the way. I have to believe this as Mum! We've had some very special times together and lots of lovely memories to keep us going for a while. It sure is going to be quiet around her for a while, until we get back into the swing of things again.
We had a lovely time in Munich, staying 2 nights. This picture of Jocelyn was taken on the train trip home. Beautiful isn't she?
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