Friday, February 23, 2007

Our Thursday

We left our little home in Schopfheim at 11.15am this morning and travelled into Basel by train. We went to Bernhard and Lorraine's to drop things off. They invited back for dinner at 6pm!! We visited 2 English bookshops to ask if we could posters up of our Mosaic Concert coming up in Loerrach on 10 March. We also visited Centrepoint to put up a poster there.

Basel is buzzing, getting ready for Fastnacht which begins 4am Monday! Not sure whether we will brave the elements for that, though Bernhard and Lorraine would like us to. It would mean getting up at 2am Monday!

The weather is glorious at the moment. We grabbed a bite to eat and then joined the throngs on the steps beside the Rhine to eat and soak up the sun. Honestly, it was like a summer's day.

Then we caught the tram to the French border (Saint Louis) as I wanted to buy some Self Raising Flour and a few other bits and pieces. We had tea/coffee in a cute little cafe/pub called La Poste Cafe. Talk about mixing it with the locals, except I kept wanting to use my limited Deutsch instead of French! At least we can laugh about it. Even the waitress said "You're welcome!!"

Then back to Bernhard and Lorraine's for a delightful dinner. They're such great company and we are never lost for words.

Now we're home and hope to make a little phone call to sing Happy Birthday to our darling son who turns 29 on 23 February!

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