Sunday, August 05, 2007

What's going on in our lives !

Sorry for the silence. Suddenly I have lots of energy so have been out and about quite a bit. Have had two very successful visits to my lovely lady Doctor in Schopfheim and she is treating me in a special way (with natural medicines) and I am responding well.

Plus our lovely friend Wirt Davis gave us a BIG scare last Friday week when he went to hospital. He is now home and will go back to Texas with his wife Linda as planned on 1 September and have surgery there.

We had a special Thursday afternoon/evening with one of my girlfriends Renate who lives in Bad Sackingen. She invited us to have a meal with them and to meet her husband Jan (who is originally from Holland). We were blessed by a visit to their place.

We have a busy few weeks coming up, so please don't despair if I don't blog regularly.


Madge said...

Gaynor....your blog is GREAT!!!! You have energy to spare,make no apologies for missing a day or two. You are out there living and taking care of life, not sitting by a computer. We will patiently wait for your wonderful posts.
If I may borrow from an excellent book (which will be returned once it has made the rounds in my house,ha,ha) You are being a tramp for the Lord!!

Gaynor said...

Thanks Madge. Boy I DO want to catch up with you. When, when, when? Also, PLEASE share your blog address with me - Ta!
Love you, Gaynor xx