Saturday, December 08, 2007


My lovely friends - Maria, Sue and Jayne
Do they look cold or what?!! It was freezing I can tell you. Thursday 29 November I left home rather early to meet these lovely ladies at Basel Badisher Bahnhof for a trip on the train to Freiburg (1 hr away - but boy did the time fly!). We found out that our ticket covered us for the trams in Freiburg, so we were pretty pleased about that. So we arrived in Freiburg around 10am and made our way to the Christmas Markets. Actually we couldn't stay outside too long as it was so cold! Our hands and feet started to freeze! Gluwein is all the thing (sweet warm wine - which I don't really like) at Christmas time and each region has their own mugs which you can buy. They're very nice actually.
Jayne was insistent that we found a crowded place for lunch (means the food is good - of course!!), but we didn't. Still lunch was very yummy then we hit the markets again. When we'd had enough we went back to the Train station and caught a train that was already there. It happened to be a fast train back to Basel (and one that we shouldn't have been on!). The girls kept saying, "Oh, I can't remember this scenery, etc..... you sure we're on the right train". But we did arrive safe and sound back in Basel and nice and quick as well.
Needless to say I was rather tired when I got home - and the next day as well.
What a life!

1 comment:

Pat said...

What a life indeed...a life filled with beautiful moments!