Wishing our Darling Glenda a Happy Birthday for Friday 7 March. We trust you have a wonderful Birthday and do something special with your darling husband. Just think you have the whole long weekend to celebrate your Birthday. That should be fun. We're just sorry we won't be there to spoil you, but we are there in spirit darling. We love you very much and think you're an amazing young lady who is rising to many challenges at the moment. Good for you. Our prayer is that you will cast all your cares upon Jesus who cares for you very much.
Isn't this photo the cutest? Hope you don't mind me sharing it with the world, especially as you haven't quite become the proud owners of little Peach yet. The pick up day is Easter Sunday, so not long to go now.
With our love, very special daughter,
Mum and Dad xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo