Monday, November 06, 2006


God is full of surprises! I must be honest and say I was feeling a little down on the weekend and for no reason whatsoever. Get a grip Gaynor! I have SO MUCH to thank God for so why be down. Maybe it is more impatience than anything. Wanting to get our Church Plant off the ground, and NOW!

We had a great meeting yesterday afternoon, when 15 of us met together to strategize, encourage, pray, share, etc. There was a great feeling as we sat around 4 tables in a square! God, how can all these people come together from so many different backgrounds and have a real oneness. Just absolutely fabulous and truly amazing.

THEN we all headed off to Jack and Deanne's for Pizza, etc and as a little farewell to them as they head back to California tomorrow (Boo Hoo!!). There were 24 of us altogether. It was very loud. Not in German style at all.

And yes, Roger and I headed off home on our bikes, (on the train) at 9pm so very blessed and happy.

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