Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What on earth is this??!!

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Joce said...

mmm, looks like a battle, or something... was there an accompanying story? Is it just an artistic thing, or a memorial as well?
ha, ha, just couldn't let Pat & Angie be the only ones to comment!!
We all love your blog... looking forward to family catch up Friday night, I'm on nibbles...
Tschuss Bella!
joce xo xo xo xo <><

Gaynor said...

Yes, the family is letting me down with no comments (apart from you that is!). The photo's were of a battle, but it was all Deutsch to me!!!! It happened a very long time ago.

Pat said...

Joce - your are alive and well! I've been checking your blog for updates!! You too much lead a very busy life!