Outing to Mainau with Angela
We have been enjoying Angela's visit with us. She is staying in a small bed sit about 1 km from our place here in Schopfheim and it seems to be working out well for us all. We used a convenient "Baden-Wuerttemberg" ticket for 5 people to travel together to go to Mainau Island. It was not a good day weather wise, but didn't stop Roger from taking some lovely pictures. We were just saying tonight over tea how we'd love to go back there, just the 2 of us and spend THE WHOLE day there enjoying all the beautiful flowers, butterflies, etc and having a picnic.
I see that you are reading Your Survial Strategies are Killing you by Martha Borst. I read it too, and it was amazing, but it was not a collection of short stories....are you sure that you have the right title????
better go tomorrow -- those tulips won't last. The sun came out here -- and they bloomed themselves out quickly.
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