Friday, December 15, 2006

Deutsch Kurs Christmas Party

Oh what fun! All those learning Deutsch at the VHS in Schopfheim were invited to a Christmas Party this evening from 6 - 10pm. Talk about the United Nations! We were asked to bring food from our country of origin. I made a Zucchini slice (not really Australian) and a Pavlova covered in lots of cream, strawberry's and kiwi fruit. It looked very, very yummy, though Roger and I held back! There were around 50 people there and we were asked to sing a song in our national language (hence all the Englisher's got together!!). We couldn't do any better than "We wish you a Merry Christmas!". Yeh, I agree, very lame indeed. We all had a great time and now Roger and I know of another gathering where people meet to speak English in Schopfheim once a month.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should have done Christmas Where The Gum Trees Go!!! Oh well, next time... 7 sleeps.... xo