Thursday, December 07, 2006

Saint Nikolaus Day - 6 December

Well, wouldn't you know it! We've just come home from Small Group and hanging on our door was a small gift from St Nikolaus with the message "Der Nikolaus war hier"! Oh how absolutely adorable. Just can't believe it. Our first ever gift from St Nikolaus.

The beautiful Advent Wreath was personally made by our beautiful friend Johanna and the picture just doesn't do it justice. Johanna is a very talented friend and when she gives you a gift, it is always given with so much love. How blessed are we?
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27hcram said...

Oh...what's St Nikolaus Day all about? Hahaha...never heard of it before here... :P

Curious Christine ^_^

Anonymous said...

And a Happy St Nik day to you too - isn't little Hannah Clark gorgeous? How special!! :)

Gaynor said...


This morning Johanna told me that it was her that delivered the St Nikolas surprise for us and she has kept it a secret all these years.

What a lovely surprise!