Juro loves our backyard and uses every opportunity he can to visit the canel.
So, what a bonus when Mrs Duck comes along. Very friendly little duck indeed!!
This is a view from our backyard to the bridge across the road. Workmen were looking at the structure of the bridge today so maybe they are going to make some repairs.
(Yeh, Glenda and Pat - I can now do photo's!!!!) See, I can get there in the end.
And great photos at that!! What a cute little guy, and how entertaining for him to see a little duck float by...I'd like to sit and watch that myself! God's creation is a never ending delight, isnt it?!
Are you and Roger feeling better? I think I may be having some alergy issues myself - either that or a cold. My throat is scratchy and my eyes are watery. Plus I've had quite a headache lately. Oh well, given time it will pass!
GO MUM!! Can't believe Pat beat me to a comment again! Juro is growing up too, he's so cute.
Pat, hope you're feeling well again soon xo
Pat and Glenda,
The hayfever is continuing to hang around - unfortunately! It's way too hot over here for this time of the year. I hope you don't come down with something Pat.
Love to you both! xx
hey... no fair... you have a CREEK!!!!
with kids and ducks!!!!!
Yeh, we love the CANEL!!!! Pamela.
It's great for cleaning the hiking boots as well. We are finding all sorts of good uses for the water. It's babbling along nicely today. We have 30C degrees (don't ask me what that is in F!!).
This is a silly question, but what are those squiggly things rising up behind Juro? Are they supports for a plant to climb?
I need to be in Germany and sit with Juro.
Pat, the young guy next door has a very nice vegie garden. There are tomotoe plants growing up these squiggly things!! (I just had to look out the window to check that question!!). My goodness, you're not very observant, are you Pat?!!!
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