Yeh, we did it!! Actually, Wirt and Linda did it! We pulled off a surprise Birthday Party for Roger. As he's not well at the moment (bad hayfever), he obviously wasn't in the mood for asking too many questions about what we were doing, where we were going, etc, etc!! Here is Roger entering the Party. A hearty Happy Birthday is being sung by the group!(Notice diary in hand - he's come to work!!)
I couldn't resist taking a photo of Roger with David and Laura - I mean, what a background. (Oh, by the way, we are at Wirt and Linda's magnificent home - the view is to die for!).
Yep, we're just one big happy family!!
Amanda made the yummy Birthday cake and Roger's about to blow out the candles. Christian is trying to escape from the picture! Another lovely evening and we again say thank you to God for blessing us with such beautiful friends who really are becoming more like family to us each day.
I wish I could have been there to sing Happy Birthday to Roger! Looks like everyone had a great time, and that countryside, how awesome. It looks so peaceful. You're quite the tour guide, do you ever rest? You have such a zest for life, You're an amazing person.
If only you could see us both today Pat! We are tired, full of hayfever and not feeling 100%! We ARE NOT wonder people, just doing our little bit to make the world a happier place. VERY, VERY ORDINARY but with an EXTRAORDINARY GOD!
Annette, a young friend from Australia arrives today in Basel on the 6.11pm train for 2 weeks!
Wow - trying to keep up with all the fun times you've been having. Looks amazing- some great photos & stories!!
the view was fabulous... oh you're not talking about the cake?
giggle... I knew what you mean. and it is gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous
Lou, you mustn't use the word 'fun' around us!!
Pamela, love your sense of humour. Keep it up girl!!
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