Sorry no new post for a little while. Having a difficult week and feeling a little burdened down! Not that I haven't been busy. Have been helping Fritz and Ilona get Galerie Weibel ready for our Mosaic Event "All That Jazz" Friday night and then the Galerie opening on 10 May. That has taken quite a bit of my time and energy, which I suppose has been good at this time!
Had a lovely talk to my 83yr old Dad (lives in Perth, Western Australia) today and that was good for me. He was very positive and encouraging. But when I'm feeling like this I want Mum (even at my age!!). This to will pass.
Also talked to my sister Irene and that's always a treat. She also lives in Perth and is always extremely busy selling real estate. She hurt her back last week and is now on the mend.
Hopefully I will have some photo's to share after "All That Jazz".
I'm here when you need a friend..praying for you.
Dearest Mum,
Funny to think that when you were my age you chose to move to the other side of Aust, where you wouldn't see your Mum. Thankfully these days we have blogs! You're an amazing woman and I know you'll charge on. Just think of the party we'll have described in Rev 21 -Nan will be there with bells on, and a tambourine, and a harmonica... you get the idea!! Love you loads, G
Supporting Glenda's comment... and to think I'd just sent Aunt Spiker a double text too (online & free!) will have to PS for her back... Not going to tell you what it is yet... and I have my days with the hair! I'm thinking Sinead for party (but don't worry, nothing too drastic!!)
Clue 1 for pressie... it flaps!
Love u muchly Mum (and give Dad a squeeze from me)... don't forget to throw caution to wind & jazz the night away ;) xo <><
Prayer needed all round this week.
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