Friday, June 29, 2007

Thursday Night

I probably shouldn't be posting when I am not feeling well. Tomorrow I am sure I will be better! I think there's a whole heap of things going on inside me and to wrap it all up, I think I am "just plain missing my kids!!"

I've had a good week. Been busy (as always) and I think I keep making the mistake of not having a day at home to just catch up with little things that need to be done.

Monday we did the 2.5hr hike with the Basel Centrepoint hiking group. At least it wasn't an early start as we didn't get home from Church (went to ICF in Basel) until 10.30pm. It was a great walk, but we still didn't get home until 2.30pm.
I sort of went downhill from there.

Monday evening I spent with a friend here in Schopfheim. Tuesday I wrote letters all morning (have heaps of Birthdays coming up in July); in the afternoon I went into Basel and spent some time sharing SHAPE (personality study) with a friend. Didn't actually get home until 6.30pm.

Cancelled my Deutsch conversation (boo hoo) as I was feeling totally overwhelmed! I help with the folding of "Horizon", the Centrepoint monthly newsletter, and that had to be done Wednesday afternoon (and they were desperate for helpers). By the time I got home I was feeling rather distraught and unwell. Tried to relax and unwind a bit. Watched some tennis from Wimbleton and also some athletics, which was good. Went to bed early, but didn't get to sleep till 10.30pm. Oh, by the way, we are looking after Woffie (miniature Dachshund) this week and that has been lots of fun. His holiday will finish tomorrow afternoon!

This morning I was out the door at 8.50am to meet a German friend Renate in Schopfheim for a coffee and chat. AND afterwards I went to see if my favourite shoes had been reduced, and they had, SO I bought them. Have taken a photo of them and will see if I can get it up here. Shoes are just lovely here, though a little too expensive for my liking.

Roger has just gone off to Deutsch (5 more lessons to go till end of year) and I made a rather hot Chilli Con Carne for dinner.

Who likes my taste in shoes?!!


Pat said...

I like your shoes!! Pretty snazzy my friend!
Oh, I can feel your ache for your kids....I ache with you. From my blogs you can tell that mine are all nearby, I miss them even when anyone goes on vacation!
Take care my friend, slow down just a tad and nurture your heart. I'm praying for you!

Joce said...

I'm having a stay in Saturday Mummy, and a special little post... going to take some pics of my new place a bit later too....
Had a brief chat to Uncle Dave (skype) I'm checking out inner city apartment costs for the upcoming nuptials!
Now b'fast has passed, brunch is passing so I'd best get going... I lurve the new shoes... when are you taking them dancing!!! ;)
Love you lots <><
and my laughing isn't automatically becoming a cough now too! xo xo xo xo (two for Dad, as well!) and an extra for any special people you see soon xo